In a message dated 2/4/2006 1:16:38 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi Cheryl and Jude
My torso and back cry out for Baclofen too!  I have weened myself t0 40mg daily and have been considering trying 30mg daily.  Jude, do you take baclofen and add the valium when you need it or are you just taking the valium as needed and no baclofen at all.  I understand wanting to stay in control .... I "think" I have better mental functions since lowering my dose of Baclofen.  My response to valium is fast and strong so I wouldn't need much either.
Patti - Michigan - home of the XL Superbowl - with no predictions except snow!

---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 2/4/2006 10:17:33 AM Central Standard Time, 
> Hi,
>      I have been taking 30  mg of baclofen twice a day since August 1995.
>      I just started  getting my meds by mail,and I was without it for 3
> doses. The tightness in my  trunk was unbearable;I didn't sleep or eat after the
> first missed dose,until I  took it for 2 days. The past 3 weeks,I've still had
> more tightness than I've  had in years.
>      I will NEVER go  without it again.
>        Cheryl in  Easthampton,Mass.

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> Hi Cheryl,

> I too have the banding around my torso and it gets unbearable whenever 
> something is wrong with me.  A while ago, I tried to go off of baclofen  too, and
> wound up like you, in extreme discomfort.  Now, my doc prescribes  me some
> valium which works much better, but I only take it when the tightness  gets too
> much to bear.  Maybe your doc will do the same for you.  I  only have 5mg. pills
> and take 1/2 at a time so they don't knock me out.  I  like to stay in
> control...

> Best of everything to you,
> Jude
Hi Patti,
Yes, I take the baclofen regularly and then add the valium when the banding gets so tight I can't stand it.  Usually at night before bed so I can sleep a bit better and like with my broken legs, I've been taking it every day, a couple of times a day. 
I have to admit, that since I have the additional pain with my legs, I have been taking more baclofen than usual.  I try to alternate a valium with a baclofen and tend to do that throughout the night. 
I am also taking a small dose of morphine when the pain gets real bad.  But it tends to make me sleepy so I don't use it a lot.  I bite it into halves and quarters and take it like that so I don't get too messed up.
My body can tolerate a lot of medication at one time.  Things that I do, as far as mixing medications, a lot of other people couldn't do.  I do try to use my head and sometimes, if I'm real sick, I will even keep a log of what I have taken and what time...that way I won't overdose on something.
I wouldn't recommend anyone else to play with their medications the way I do unless they really know their own body and know something about whatever it is they are taking.
Best of everything to you,

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