I didn't mean to ignore you this long, but honestly, b/c I was so interested in your reply, I wanted to save it for when I had more time to answer.
But let me clarify something first:
>>>  As for the foods that you like, that I said are acidic, please understand that no one says you shouldn't ever eat them.  It's just that you need to keep a BALANCE between the acid and the alkaline foods.  Most of us naturally get more than enough acidic foods, so we need to concentrate on getting enough alkaline food! 
The only time you should 'never' eat them is if you're trying to do a 'cleanse', which is basically a 2 to 4 week period where you eat ONLY alkaline foods and usually take supplemental herbs, in an effort to 'clean out'  the acidic plaque that accumulates in your digestive system from years of eating too much acidic food with too little alkaline food.  That acidic plaque is toxic and tends to block absorption of nutrients so that your digestive system doesn't work very efficiently.  My personal belief is that this is why we tend to crave things, over-eat, and gain too much weight - because even though we're eating, we are not able to efficiently absorb all the nutrients we need, so our body keeps craving more. 
Now to respond to your other questions:
I would assume that pH level would have been part of your blood work.  However, I just found an article that said:  "medical tests for pH level are usually a reference of the blood pH level.  . . . however, saliva pH measurement is more accurate."  
Through a recent discussion with Bill, he has helped me to understand this, and the reason for it.  The blood HAS to be within a certain narrow window for you to stay alive, and therefore blood pH is buffered by both the respiratory system and the liver, to stay within those limits.  Consequently, blood pH shows your pH level after it has been 'adjusted' shall we say, by those two systems.  Saliva pH indicates your body's 'true' pH before that adjustment. 
A blood pH reading would be kind of like taking a test, but not getting it back until someone had changed all your wrong answers to right answers so you can't see what you got wrong.  Then they don't tell you that they still graded you on the answers you got wrong.  So you don't know, until it's too late, where you stand in the class.  (i.e.: even though the respiratory system and liver 'fix' the blood pH to be 'correct', you 'pay' for it, as this causes more stress to those two systems, only you don't realize it until they start to break down and then it's too late to do anything about it.)  You can buy a roll of pH tape from the drug store or health food store (about $13.00), or even  Be sure you haven't eaten for 2 hours before you check your pH.
If I understand it all correctly, pH is actually a measure of your level of electrolytes, so I would think that would mean you had a pH test.  Whether it was blood or saliva, though, I don't know.
You said 'My bone density tests showed improvement'.  I wondering now!  I was just told by the radiologist that loss of bone density is irreversible, which I didn't know before!  Are you sure it was bone density or was it calcium level?  I don't mean to question you - I'm just trying to get it straight here.  I hope bone density can improve, b/c I was just told that my bone density is worse  than 2 years ago, and that once it gets worse, the damage can never be reversed!  Hmmm?
You said that you think your TM is a result of stress.  Stress causes a physical reaction, which also can actually cause acidity!  So you may be absolutely right.  I'm sure it's a factor.
Good luck in your healing!

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