Those who know how frightening something that looks so benign can be.
Oh I know exactly how you feel! I've been there a number of times! I always feel like so frightened and embarrassed, even though I know I don't need to be.
Like when I had to yell in my office bldg. because I had slid off the toilet! and I had the door locked - can you imagine?! well, I had them call my son to come and get me. there was no way I was letting any of them in! Since that happened they've changed the lock on the door so that it can be opened from the outside with a key we have hanging in the vault. and they put up another bar because if there would have been one on the other side I may have been able to draw myself up. whew! now I can laugh, but sometimes I cry too. I carry a cell phone around my neck now. and have the phone on the bed with me because I also slipped off the bed. I woke up in pain, saw my legs hanging off the side and tried to pull them back up and managed to slide the rest of me off. there was no way I was going to be able to get up so I pulled the blanket down and stayed there until someone came.
I also have a flashlight in bed with me, and in my chair bag. this was added after I dropped the keys in my van while transferring from chair to driver's seat. Major panic attack because I couldn't feel them anywhere close. worked myself into quite a state until another car parked by me and by those headlights I saw the sparkle of metal.
I didn't cry quietly that time. I screamed and yelled and sobbed.
What a journey we're on.....God bless us Everyone! Love, DebC in Mi.

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