Hello to all of you!  I want to thank you all again for making me feel welcome back here at TMIC.  I was so distraught when I re-joined and your kindness really made the difference for me.
I'm sleeping better at night now.  The Baclofen has been increased to 40 mg. at bedtime and I can take another 40 during the day.  I tried taking 10 mg. in the morning and another 10 in the afternoon but I'm way too spacey.  I have figured out if I take 10 mg. in the afternoon then the 40 mg. at bedtime then I'm able to sleep without the leg pain waking me up.  I am so thankful for the sleep! 
The depression is better but I'm awful cranky. At least I'm not crying or dreaming about suicide now.   A friend of mine always refers to MS as a cruise on rough seas.  Well I've been on the "Good Ship Cranky Butt". LOL  those around me aren't laughing ....  I tried Sam E for the depression but only took it for 4 days.  I felt shaky and I had heart palpitations.  No thanks.  I haven't decided to try the Cymbalta samples because I found out my insurance won't cover it.  They will cover other anti-depressants though. 
This newest thing started about a week ago.  When I wake up to go to the bathroom during the night I have a weird noise in my head.  It's not a ringing like what I hear happens with Tinnitus.  Instead it's like cymbals and dinging.  Like a parade or a circus music.  What the heck is THAT?  Has anyone had that happen from Baclofen? ! I'm wondering if there's a connection.

TMer to MSer
Arizona desert for a year--then back to Alaska

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