and apparantly this is ALL Tm /nerve related. We need to get trying to exercise the area, since it is the last to come back, right along with the feet. My numbness has just about gone now there, which is good (but not in my feet, go figure..)
and I guess, those of us that have periods still, have to live with the symptoms fluctuating even more. I have started (sure after 9 mos..LOL) to keep a journal of my day to day symptoms and how I feel that day physically and emotionally and how it all might just tie in...
shall I say we need to 'go with the flow" ? *ducks and hides*

Grace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My biggest pee problem is getting the flow started.  I take flomax, and in the beginning of all of this it really helped, but now I'm starting to have issues again.  Oh to just be able to pee like other people would be heaven for me.  The weird thing is that at night, my bladder really fills up too much  and I will overflow without the *feeling* of having to I now wear a diaper to bed.  Sigh.......

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