Did I miss something?
I haven't seen one email on the tmic from God.  I can't believe He's sending 
them to those of you who don't want the emails and ignoring those of us who 
look forward to hearing from Him.  But, then again, maybe He knows something we 
Thanks for bringing Him into the picture again!
Patti - mid Michigan

> Dear God,
> It has come to my attention that you have been sending religious matterial to 
> the TMIC.
> Several years ago the members agreed that you were not welcome here, either.
> I have designated myself the religion police ever since the past officer 
> passed on
> [ He has since moved on into heaven: the condo on the corner of Passion and 
> Rosebud streets]
> Please, realize that religion has killed more people than cigarettes, and 
> only stirs up people's anger.
> please stop,
> Yours in HIS memory,
> frank

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