The trick on how to read e-mails from us weirdoes is ...........  don't have one  ;>)
Maybe 'reading between the lines'.......???
One hint:  if it doesn't make sense, then we're spoofing you....:>):>)
Bobberin ô¿ô in Elvisland
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2006 1:16 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: save our school children

In a message dated 3/17/2006 2:44:49 P.M. Hawaiian Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The trouble with both you and me, Phranq3e, is that most folks take us waaaaaaaay too seriously.......  whatever happened to levity.........?????    Go figger.
Regards from Elvisland,   Bobberinô¿ô
I can see that!  But you gotta remember that sometimes it's hard to read people correctly when you haven't known them for long, and you can't see their face, or hear the _expression_ in their voice! 
Hey guys, give us a clue to make up for this lack in email-reading perception.  :)  I remember the first email I got from pHranq3e (with the silent 3, but-maybe-not-after-the-q).  I had to read it several times to convince myself that I wasn't going to offend him by not taking him seriously.  And then I still worried. 
But hey, we also appreciate you folks for the messages that remind us to lighten up!

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