Greetings Linda,
I didn't have insurance with Plaza, sorry.  I'm sure the other Roger is probably a nice guy, since we Rogers have to stick together. 
I tried Lamictal for nerve pain, but it didn't seem to help me much, and since it is such a dangerous drug, I went off it.  I've also tried Neurontin, Ultram, Zonegran,  and Keppra for nerve pain.  The Neurontin knocked me out.  I was so sleepy that I couldn't function.  The others didn't work, or at least not well.  I am now trying Lyrica, which seems to be helping.  I'll know when I get to full dosage. 
Fatigue has also been a big factor with me.  I was original put on Provigil which helped a lot, but my insurance company wouldn't pay for it (they say it was only indicated for use in Narcolepsy).  I am now on Amantadine three times a day, and it helps some.  But I got my neurologist to give me sample of Provigil and I use it once a week on Saturdays when I have my busiest day of the week (I volunteer at my church). 
I looked up Sjogrens Syndrome and noted that symptoms include dry mouth.  I have had a problem with dry mouth for a while, but thought it was a side effect of Cymbalta that I was taking prior to starting the Lyrica.  (My neuro thought the Lyrica would work better for the nerve pain.)  I've been off the Cymbalta for a week or so, and I still have the dry mouth. (?????)  I'm hoping that it will just go away.
When I was having seizures, I would have them sometime a couple of times a day.  The drugs helped, but I had trouble getting to therapeutic doses.  When the Primidone finally worked I was pretty much seizure free.  When I had three seizures on Memorial Day 1994 and couldn't drive home from my parent's house, I became alarmed.  I went to the emergency room three times over the next three days and the seizures were stopped each time using valium. My doctor finally agreed to an MRI and that was when the lesion was discovered in my neck at C-2 to C-3.  I was put on prendisone and sent home.  A few days later, I couldn't get out of bed and my doctor sent me by air ambulance to Harbor View to have the suspected cancer removed.  At Harbor View they put me on higher power steroids and argued for three days on whether my lesion was cancer or not.  It was then that they decided it was TM and then I was sent home.  My left arm was paralysed for a while, but with PT I was able to get most of the use back.
Well, I've gassed on for too long.  So I'll quit for now.  Thanks for writing.
Roger in Kennewick, WA
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] osteoporosis

Hi Roger,
Good to hear from you. First of all I notice you are from Kennewick WA. I live in Bothell and worked at Plaza Ins for 31 years. Did you have your insurance with Plaza and do you know Tom Allen?? Small world if you do.
I actually had seizures prior to TM. I also have Sjogrens Syndrome (an autoimmune disease I have been treated for since 1988) The seizures continued 3 years into TM. The doctors always related the seizures to the autoimmune disease. I finally had the ambulatory 24-hour test (fun) and it showed that I had a lot of seizure activity during the 24 hours. Therefore I was put on Lamictal, which can be a very dangerous drug, but I was put on it very slowly. I have tolerated it well. And have not had any more seizures since the beginning of the med. Thank goodness. The doctors really don't know for sure - but I had never had a seizure until I had the first autoimmune disease (Sjorgrens). No answers, really. I have learned, unfortunately, that if you have more than 2 seizures you are labled as having epilepsy. Epilepsy only means several seizures during a short period of time. Not one or two over a period of years. My doctors don't know any more than! yours!  Nice huh. Please write back - I'd like to know if you are the same person we had insured all those years at Plaza Ins.
The best to you with your health
Linda (Cherpeski) Bothell, WA
P.S. How long have you had TM and where are your lesions?
-------------- Original message --------------
Hi Linda, I don't post often, but read all the posts everyday.  I don't know how osteoporosis is for men, but I do know about seizures.  I had seizures for two years before my TM diagnosis (none since).  I was put on a number of medications (Febatol, Tegretol, Dilantin, Depakote) which I had allergic reactions to (rashes) when I tried to get to therapeutic dosages.  I was finally put on primidone, and that was discontinued when I was diagnosed with TM.  I have often wondered if the seizures were early signs of TM since I only passed out on my first seizure and only had jerking seizures from then on.  Once I got steroids by IV for 3 days, the seizures stopped.  I've had muscle spasms off and on, but no seizures.  My doctors don't know (at least can't explain) what the relationship was between the seizures and TM.  Interesting question.  Do your doctors have any explanations. 
All my best, Roger - Kennewick, WA
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] osteoporosis

Well Patti, your post certainly made me think twice. I don't have an answer to your question, but I do know research has come a long way in treating osteoporosis. Do you know our ages, when TM came to live with us and menopause are the same?
I have not had a bone density test and I was having seizures for 2 years prior to being put on seizure medicine (Lamictal) and had no idea that osteo could be caused by anti seizure meds. I have to say now I am a little concerned. I have 2 doctor appts coming up - I will have to ask, I guess to relieve my mind - or give me something else to worry about  : - )
Please let us know what the doctor says.
Linda - Bothell, WA
-------------- Original message --------------

> I had a bone density test two weeks ago and now have an appointment with an
> endocrinologist because of additional bone loss. I've done some research and
> read on WebMD of the possibility that osteo can be caused by anti seizure meds.
> I haven't found any info on Neurontin/gabapenten regarding osteo.
> I have been taking osteo meds since age 48 when a bone density test came back
> abnormal. A tests at 50 showed no additional loss and at 52 I had improvement.
> TM and menopause happened simultaneously at age 53, my density test at 54 showed
> no change. Now, at age 56 the numbers are dropping.
> I know menopause can be the culprit, but do any of you know anything about anti
> seizure meds and bone loss? What can the endocrinol! ! ogist help with (besides
> telling me to stop caffeine)?
> Patti - Michigan

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