Hi All
I thought I would let you all know how Lyrica is working for me. So far I have no side affects. I took my 3 rd dose of 75 mgs, i pill at night. Yesterday I started to feel my knees and ankles lighten up, especially the knees. They felt heavy and like they were swollen. It is the same today but seems I feel more movement in the knees. I also feel more energy, I can now do more then 5 mins without having to sit down cuz I was tired. I will see how I do this afternoon with my newer energy level.
I can't wait till I am on the full dose of 150 mgs twice a day and no Neurotin. After I have been on the full dose of Lyrica for 1 month I will try to back off of Lamictal, 150 mgs twice a day. I take this for the banding in my legs from the knee to the ankles. My feet still have banding on the arch to the toes. If I miss a dose of Lamictal the front part of my leg 1/2 down from the knee to the ankle feels like millions of legs crawling on them and a type of electric sensation too. Once I take my pill it takes 1-2 hours for relief.
I still have NO PAIN from the PHN, left over nerve damage on the skin. This happened the next day after my 1st dose!! I have had pain from shingles for 7 years, what a miracle Lyrica is and I will pray I can keep taken it with no side affects.
Take care and have a good weekend and a good Easter too.
Love to all

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