In a message dated 4/20/2006 6:12:44 P.M. Hawaiian Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
My knees are still GREAT!!! It has been 7 years that they would not bend more then 45 degrees. My energy still seems better then before and I can't wait to get on the full dose of Lyrica.
I'm happy to hear this is working for you, Sally!  'Hope it continues to improve how you feel.  That's great!
I just had this off-the-wall thought:  Do you think it's totally just the Lyrica that's helping you, or do you suppose that getting off the Neurontin is also helping?  I'm partly joking, but partly serious.  I've never taken either, but from what I hear from everyone, there's a lot of side effects from a lot of the drugs (as there tends to be from any drug, to some extent).  So it just occurred to me that getting off of something might eliminate some negative side effects???  Especially if it's something a person has taken for a long time.  I don't know.  Just 'musing'.
Sally C.

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