Do we file for SSD on our earnings or our husband's?  I am 3 years older than my husband and he is still working so I filled on mine which isn't much since I worked for the federal government for so many years and didn't pay into SS.
Thanks - Hildred  (I am only 56) 
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 01:36:40 EDT
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Chiro

In a message dated 4/16/2006 6:57:19 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
there is absolutely no SSA law saying that you must wait a whole year to reapply for benefits,
Sorry, I'm sometimes kinda slow to respond to email.  I think what happened was that when I went in to the SS office to ask about claiming benefits from my ex-husband's SS, she asked me why I didn't apply for SSDI.  I told her, it was b/c my disability wasn't permanent, to which she responded, if it lasts one year, then it's considered permanent, even if you get better later. I will have been out 1 year on May 5th, so that's why I went in recently to start the process.  Previously, I was 'sure' I'd be back to work in just a few months.  (BTW:  I found out that I could claim benefits under my ex-husband's name, but he's been out of the country and hasn't paid taxes for quite a while (not to mention his questionable ethics when he did pay taxes), so even though he's financially very well off, his benefits aren't any more than mine at this point.)
As for you having a mild case and that the fatigue will just go away, many don't find that.  It seems the doctors think that if you can walk, your case is "mild" and symtoms will just disapear. 
I think this is exactly where my doctor is coming from.  She had worked with TM before, and was great in the beginning, but was so impressed with how fast I regained my ability to walk, that she just assumed (I think) that I was 'all better'.  Actually, I found this a little difficult in dealing with other people, too.  Maybe I'm just imagining this, but I get the feeling, even from family and friends, that when they see me walking fairly well, and feeling good enough to put some make-up on so I look like I did before, that I they don't really understand why I can't work already!  Few people understand that the visible stuff is minor compared with the internal stuff. 

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