Kate..  Was hoping someone would reply to you since I have the same questions but no answers.  It does make sense that the more you use your legs the better off you would be.  Hopefully someone who knows the answers to your questions will reply.
Is there any documentation on TM - specifically on the pain aspect and physiotherapy -  that I could print out to give them?  (Also; is this a valid point; in that the muscle wastage will prevent me from walking if I don't overcome the pain and keep going before it gets too severe?  Apparently I have quite a bit of muscle wastage on my legs already, and whilst doing all the exercises helps a bit; the physio thinks I need to keep trying to walk, in spite of the pain, if possible).    I will print out the info files that are on this site, but if there is anything specifically relating to the rehabilitation and physiotherapy aspects, that would be very helpful!    I don't think the medical profession here (esp. those in public health system), really knows what to do with this situation; and each different (public health) physiotherapist that gets assigned to me seems to have totally different ideas, method and approach.  All have said that they've never treated anyone with TM before, and don't

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