Dear Fellow Farting TM'ers,
I feel (and smell) your pain.  I am a Mexican food fanatic and I will not give it up.  I also take Gas-X and have added Beano to aid in quieting this gastric symphony. 
Just thought I would "run" that by everyone!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Krissy Z
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic * question/foods

ok, along with this have you discovered that foods effect you differently now too?
LIke if I eat too many carbs in the afternoon I get very sleepy. Or the pasta sauces/mexican foods are giving me more gas that before too etc....
Krissy: get set for mortification! If death came by emarrassment from
farting in public, we'd ALL be DEAD. I, too, have the same problem: and
if people are polite, they won't mention it. could explain,
quickly, as if it weren't important-which it isn't--that sometimes that
happens, and you can no longer control that. Do it with a smile!


> OK, maybe not so graphic and I am sure will make ya giggle or smile BUT I
> have this issue. I know we all have poop and pee issues and I have learned
> to deal with them. But I am also farting alot! I bend over, I fart. I lean
> , I fart. It's not the gassy smelly ones, but just noise, but it still can
> be loud sometimes and its damn embarrassing! So my question is, is there
> anything I can do? I am going away in June with friends and would rather
> not be farting around them...I'd be mortified!
> Krissy Zodda
> Tri State Support Group Leader
> ~I'm In pretty Good Shape
> For the Shape I am in~
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Krissy Zodda
Tri State Support Group Leader
~I'm In pretty Good Shape
For the Shape I am in~

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