Hi all,

It been a while since I have posted but the subject of FARTING is near and
dear to my heart.  Since having my colostomy in 11/05 I miss not farting
while being around my friends and drinking a few beers.  It must be a guy
thing...  I also miss not have one of my record setting BM's those were the
days.  BUTT that is a story for an other time.  But my colostomy makes some
real interesting sounds and if I cover my the pouch

The last week of April I went to Craig Hospital in Colorado.  It was a
great experience to say the least.  You see all sorts of doctors from
neurologist, physartis (sp?), Urologists, orthopedics, surgeons, physical
therapist, occupational therapist, and numerous other examines and tests.
They were surprised to see someone my age 44.  who has had TM for so long
and who has been in a wheel chair so long and never been to a Rehab
hospital before.  I told them I went to Shiner Hospital as a youngster and
had all my surgeries there.  Too numerous to mention here.  They told me I
very lucky that my shoulders were in such good shape.  When it came to some
of the nerve tests I got the strangest looks from the therapist and the
doctors.  They said they really haven't seen any body like me that was a
little scary coming from one of the best rehab hospitals in the nation.  I
could feel pain in some parts of my body and not in others.  I the
neoropathatic pain I have.  I told them that was a result of TM.  They
still gave strange looks.  Some tests they said I reacted as if I were a
quad and others that it made it look like I should be walking.

They main Dr. is sending my Doctors recommendations on different meds to
try and other things to try.  When I get the results I will share them with
you if you are if you are  interested.  Anyone interested about my trip to
Craig can contact me off the list to keep the clutter off the list.

One thing that made my trip real worth while was seeing how fortunate I was
despite having TM and being in a chair my whole life. Seeing these young
adults in fancy electric wheelchairs with ventilators it was a real opening
experience.  If you ever start feeling sorry for yourself make a trip to
rehab hospital and it make you feel fortunate for what you have.

I have to go to a Dr appointment but would love to answer any questions.


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