yeah I mean I think we all have our good days and bad..and what got me thru the hosp and the struggles at home and the difficult PT sessions, is my positive attitude and my thinking is what it is and I need to come to terms and deal with this new life lessons now. It may NOT end, I just may BE this way for the rest of my life, I may get better, and as I age I may get worse...I don't know how it will turn out, so I deal with each day as it comes as positively as I can. Sure I had a crying jag or two..but I go on day to day because I have to...I do not let my feelings get the better of me with this disorder, I choose to smile and think more positive and happily..and like I said, this is what works for ME. I am sure if i had severe pain all the time, and was less amble than I am, maybe I would be more depressed..but that's not my demeanor...I do believe that we all have a choice on how we deal with things that come our's an inner choice we all have to face..and everyone is different in that respect..and it's ALL ok....its who we are...
my half penny...

Gillian Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Staying calm seems to work best for me too.
I have not shed one tear over tm  since it arrived August 2001.
I do suffer the depression and while not actually contemplating suicide, I wonder why on earth I'm still here, how long will it go on and what possible use I am to anybody.
I think it's maybe the hopelessness and helplessness that gets to us.  Because really, there is just nothing that helps.


> "But being calm and trying to relax and just accept things, and trying t> o go forward a bit >
> at a time, seems to work much better for me."


You may get worse.

I'm a "walking wounded", 2000, August was when I was hit. A bit of numbness, a bit of pain. Got a physical, sent to neuro, sent for MRI> TM C5-6 on right side of cord, 5 mm. in diameter. Over the next three months pain and cramping of muscles increased.  Tried on all sorts of meds. got tired of meds not working. found Dr. Kerr, was put on correct meds, pain decreased.

But, slowly over the years the pain has increased.  At my first anniversary, the pain in my left side increased 400%-  2 am in the morning. What to do?????  I picked up the phone and called Doug's cell phone.  He said, Brown- Sequard syndrome.  I have continually increased my meds as the pain gets worse.  nothing else to do but work politically for Stem cell research, and donate money- real money- to TMA and Dr. Kerr.

Staying calm and "Gelling Out" help me too


Krissy Zodda
Tri State Support Group Leader
~I'm In pretty Good Shape
For the Shape I am in~

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