I have been subscribed to the site for a while now and have searched archive records for assistance to my problem.
February  1999 I woke up one Monday morning with a strange feeling from my waistdown. Over the next three weeks i steadily got worse and had to use a cane for walking. At the time I had Brain MRI's with and without contrast, evoked potentials and spinal tap.
The only test that showed any problems was the spinal tap.
The Nuro's exact words were
The abnormalities seen in your spinal fluid are consistant with those I see in MS patients, so lets wait and see.
He also said he was beginning to wonder if it was all in my head.
In the mean time lets call it Transverse Myletitis.
For the next 7 years the only problem I had was weekness in left leg and numbness in feet.
During this episode I took no medicine of any Kind.
I did not go back to that Nuro.
December 2  of 2005 my left side went numb(still is) and my left leg got worse.
I saw my primary care physician. He put me on Lyrica and recommended I see a Nuro.
My old one was no longer seeing patients, it would be 4 months before  I could get an appointment with a new one.
Three weeks later I had fallen 3 times. This time primary ordered brain MRI. This one showed white matter suspious of MS.
March I get to see a Nurologist.
He orders two more MRI's. These of Thorasic and neck level.
I take another fall.
I see the Nurologist.
He says new MRI's look could and he's leaning toward leaving the Diagnosis as Transverse Myletitis.
I said I thought  TM was single occurance.
He said he thought it was just a flair up.
I asked why new areas involved?
He said we could call it clinical MS but lets do another brain MRI with and without contrast and see if any change since January.
Exactly what , in most of your cases, have show up on your MRI's to constitute the diagnosis of TM.
I know what lesions are so is that what is expected.
If so, and I have not had any why TM.
Should I force the MS diagnosis ?
Should I just wait and see again?
So many questions,   so few answers..........................

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