Lynn, about 5 of the meds that I'm taking have the side effect of dry mouth.  These are some of the tips my dentist recommended for dealing with dry mouth:
Tips for Managing Dry Mouth
• If your dry mouth is caused by medicine, your physician might change your medicine or adjust the dose.
• Visit your dentist regularly for prophylatic maintenance. Request fluoride treatments.
• Maintain meticulous oral hygiene using SLS-free, fluoridated (Biotène Toothpaste)
• Moisten your mouth with Oralbalance. May be used under dental prostheses. (Biotene mouthwash)
• Chew sugarless, enzymatic moisturing gum, Biotène Dental Gum.
• Avoid alcoholic, carbonated, citrus and caffeine-containing drinks.
• Apply lip lubricants or balms as required.
• Drink liquids with meals and use gravies, sauces, yogurt, broth, margarines, and mayonnaise to make food easier to swallow
• puree foods or try soft foods like macaroni and cheese, stews, mashed potatoes, soup, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, canned fruits and vegetables, yogurt and ice cream.
• Avoid dry foods such as cookies, toast and crackers, or soften them with liquids before eating.
• Carry a small water bottle so you can take frequent sips during the day.
• Suck sugarless hard candies (avoiding those with citric acid).
• Avoid overly salty foods.
• Avoid chewable vitamin C and acidic, sugared lozenges.
Using the Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash have been extremely helpful, along with using the sugarless hard candies and carrying the small water bottle.
Roger from Kennewick, WA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lynn Pouliot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neurontin Side effects & Neurontin Medications - Neurontin Online

> I Have been taking Lyrica for about 1 month.  I definately noticed that it
> increased my dry mouth.  I already had dry mouth from the bladder meds that
> I am taking, but now my mouth is like the sahara desert.  Sometimes it is so
> dry I can't swallow and now my sinuses are dried out too.  I started out
> taking 75mg twice a day and stopping my tegratol.  right away I noticed my
> legs were not hurting anymore.  After a couple of weeks I started to get
> terrrible numbness in my right leg, traveling up to my middle with that
> tight banding, then freezing cold down my left side.  Now they have
> increased the lyrica to 150mg twice a day.  still feeling woozy from the
> increase in meds but it is starting to wear off.  The dry mouth is so bad I
> am wondering if I should go off of the lyrica and back to good old tegratol.
> Any suggestions?
> Lynn in RI
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mary W" <
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 8:16 PM
> Subject: [TMIC] Neurontin Side effects & Neurontin Medications - Neurontin
> Online
> > According to this website, eye problems can occur with
> > neurontin.......usually at the start of taking the medication and then
> > gradually wearing off.
> >
> > Mary W   Grass Valley Ca
> >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >

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