From: Natalie Boyles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 8:06 PM
To: Jennifer Mercer;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question



Thank you so much for this information! This “white matter” seems to be why my definitive diagnosis is so difficult to attain. One neuro says it’s definitely MS and the other says TM… Four years ago at Johns Hopkins they declared it TM… but recently, due to having to get a new neuro things have changed. I am switching meds from Neurontin to Lyrica. I find it almost impossible to decide the difference between the two meds. Mainly because with TM no day is the same. Is it the meds? is it the weather? is it stress??? I am going to try to get an appointment at Johns Hopkins and let them make the decision again. Thanks again.

Trudy in Virginia where the weather has made a fast turn into summer! Hot!!





Some of us go on to have white matter disease. The white matter contains the nerves that are covered with myelin. The white matter of the brain is white, due to the myelin being white. In TM the problem is with the myelin of the spine. Do some searches with the words, "white matter",  "brain lesions" , "brain foci", "demyelinating diseases", "demyelinating diseases spine".  


I have spent the past couple months doing online searches, so I could better understand my mri results. Some doctors, for some reason, skip a detailed explanation, which is so very unfair to the patient. And, if anyone is like me, they usually do not ask enough questions for "whatever" the reason. You must ask/demand the doctor give you a good and reasonable explanation. Ask to see reports and have them explained. Ignorance is not bliss; don't let anyone tell you differently.


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 12:15 AM

Subject: [TMIC] question


Hi, all...  my dh was diagnosed with TM a little over a year ago...  recently he has also been diagnosed with "white matter disease" in his brain.  are any of you familiar with this?  is it common in TM?  I have been researching online, but cannot get any clear answers.

thank you for any info you can offer..


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