Exactly  Frank---demyelinization (sp?) is demyelinization.   Overactive immune sytem---not immunodeficiency. 
You know it amazes me whenever I go to some of the Devic's sites---relapsing Devic's having such a poor prognosis---that people truly have no idea of the nature of their disease.  There's always all of this talk about immunomodulatory drugs---such as used in straight up MS---that don't work for people like us.  Our immune systems are in overdrive, so an attempt at suppression is the route that most neuros take.  I will read a post from someone who has just finished their umpteenth course of Solumedrol, with a dash of plasmapharesis thrown in just for good measure, who actually thinks that they've been *cured*.  (Wrong, once you've got the NMO autoimmune antibody, it's there to stay, no matter that it may or may not be detectable in the serum test.  Also, you can have an extremely low titre and suffer horrific problems, or have qn extremely high titre with no symptoms.)  Meanwhile, they're recommending eliminating  necessary *toxic* medications, downing a handful of herbs, doing such and such an exercise (Might that be standing on one's head in a corner whilst juggling bottles of echinacea and munching on root of dandelion?) owning one's feelings, and handing the whole sorry mess over to the the Higher Power. And oh, the poor women who are actually consiering additional pregnancies----never mind that 2/3's of us die.  IT both saddens, and infuriates me.
Meanwhile, here I am, strugglilng to keep myself alive, doing everything that is recommended by the neuro team, and making it on a wing an prayer.
Grace---who is feeling extremely digruntled today....must be the humidity. 

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