Sally, we missed you too.  Glad you are back and that you now have some much-needed closure with your son's passing. And you're right - your son was very  blessed to have so many friends who loved him dearly. And I do pray that time will now heal your loss.
My daughter has shingles now - has had for the past 3 months. Her doctor also put her on Lyrica and Lidocaine patches. When I looked up shingles on the computer a few years ago, I read that it was not contagious. However, my daughters doctor told her once the sores are scabbed over they usually are not - unless she is around someone with a compromised immune system. Do you - or anyone else - Frank? know if this is the case???
Welcome back Sally. 
Take care
Linda C (Eagle, ID)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 10:28 PM
Subject: [TMIC] OT I AM BACK

Hello everybody
I made it back in one piece and so did my scooter this time, lol. My trip went well but had a lot of rain when I got there the first week except the day we buried my son's ashes. The sun was shinning for the whole day and my daughter-in-law made the trip ok up and back from Tx. her son, niece and Luke's step son came up with her too. I am so glad that his step son's mother let him come up, he needed to make the trip, she can be a witch and worst most of the time. I took pictures of his marker to send to all of his friends and groups he belonged to that raised the money for his burial and marker. They truly loved him and my son was sure rich with the friends he had. We all got some closure we needed and now time will heal our lost in the future.
I had a great visit with my best friend and hated to leave. I sure realized I should have never moved to Va, we both love horses, just maybe we would have done something together with horses. Boy would that have made my life, I can only imagine that one nowthen I wondered if I had stayed in NH if I wouldn't have gotten TM, that is a $64,000,000 question huh? LOL Got to say I do have quite the imagination, my family wonders how I got it since the rest don't have one like me. I told them they were lucky about that one, lol. My friend and me have always told each other that we were one of a kind and the world wasn't ready for 2 of us. LOL
I am glad to be back and have missed you all, thought of you all while I was gone and hoped you were all doing good or even some doing better then when I left. I am doing as good as when I left, the Lyrica is still helping me but not the PHN of shingles. Doesn't that figure since this was for the pain of shingles to start with. PHN still affects me about 3-4 days a week and is worst in the heat. I have to really watch it when I am around the veggie plants, the squash leaves are the worst when I pick the squash off the plant and rub them acciddently.
My nephew is doing better on Lyrica, he has fibro and CFS. He asked if any one with his illnesses have taken it and how they are doing. He has dull headaches each day and they have almost totally gone and he is only on 75 mgs twice a day. He has cut his pain pills from 5 to 3 a day, I told him to ask his dr to go up on his mgs again each day. At least his dr did put him on it and is upping the mgs at his request. I told him that most every body is on 300 mgs a day. I hope every one on it is still doing ok and getting relief from it still.
Please take care and know my prayers are always there for you.
Love to all

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