Title: AOL Email
Hi There,
I know that you have lots more experience with Snopes than I do, Jan.  In fact today is the first time I've ever been to the site and must say that I find it quite interesting.  I suppose that one could look up almost anything.  So, now I have a place to go for answers to some quires I've had for a while.
I must admit that I didn't make it all the way through the commentary regarding Swiffer Wet Jet and the comments that they are harmful to small children and pets. 
It reads to me like it could be read either way.  There are toxins in it, but they claim that so do many other cleaners, and, if things are so bad, why haven't there been babies and pets dying all over the place?
I've got lots more reading to do.  Thanks for introducing me to Snopes.  Makes me wonder what else I am missing.  I've never boasted about being computer literate.
Take care of you,

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