My insurance is set to change at the beginning of next year. They are changing my copay from $20 per month to $400!  I take Rebif and that is also around the $1800 rate. I am trying to see what other options I have . Tysabri is back but my neruo does not want me to take it until its been on the market for a while.   I had one dose of Tysabri before it was yanked off the market. I really liked it and was happy to not have to do the shots. No side effects. It was wonderful. I had a small attack the week before the 4th. It was not as intense or damaging as the my first two attacks so I think the Rebif is doing its job.  But $400 a month is going to make it hard for me to stay on it at least at the 3 times per week dose.   I want to be reincarnated as an insurance company so I can rule the world!
Sandy in hot and humid Wisconsin.
----- Original Message -----
From: BobbyJim
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:39 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Re: An MS dx and insurance

Well, we've had no problems with insurance, even tho CIGNA is a bit picky and now and then denies us till we provide them with a letter of necessity.  Par for the course, says aye.
Me missus has been on Avonex since March 1999.  Can you imagine the co$t......????
Right now, they want almost 1,800 bucks per box of four injections.   What greedy bastards.
Bobberino, melting in Elvisland
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To:     Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 4:28 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2006 #98

My 2 cents.  I was told that a lot of doctors don't want to make the diagnosis of MS until they are sure for insurance purposes it is harder to get insurance if you have MS  I don't know for sure but this is what I am told by someone diagnosed with TM and years later MS she said don't push the diagnosis for MS as it's not good.

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