In a message dated 7/21/2006 11:14:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Agreed.  I do want to clear up that I am not for embryonic stem cell research.  My main complaint has always been to not hold up the good research or deny funds because of this one part of stem cell research as a whole.  The WHOLE issue needs to be addressed and not just one aspect of it.
In other words, don't poop on the rest of the research because you disagree with one part.  Cut that part out and APPROVE the other research monies.
OK, now I get it. Somehow I wasn't comprehending that that's what you were saying (I apologize). Yes, I agree, funding should go to the other areas of stem cell research that don't involve embryos.
As far as ATF and the clueless idot part.  My apologies to anyone it offended, but like I said before, you have to factor in the emotional side of it.  I was clearly upset about it because I have strong emotions about the subject.
Can we call a truce?  Maybe it will spread throughout the world....ya never know.
Sure. :-)
Barbara H.

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