You say
"But what is used for Stem Cell research is NOT a living thing"
Is it dead then?  If so, then how can it be of any use?
Of course it is the "embryo" stage of life, and thus life.
And regardless of how many of US
with damaged parts are given relief
it still does not justify their use (even though already "discarded")   
thus giving blessing to those who
are given over to a dangerous attituded toward the sanctity of life.
The conviction that life be not marketed is not hypocrisy, just a firm belief that two wrongs do not make a right {discarding (wrong) + embryonic research (wrong) =  helping preserve life (right)}
Gary in Michigan
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 1:23 PM
Subject: Fw: [TMIC] Study shows spinal cord regeneration

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Study shows spinal cord regeneration

I think I need to add my two cents worth on this subject. All of these people that care about sanctity of life and feel that an egg is the begining of life had better start practising what they preach. AND STOP EATING EGGS FOR BREAKFAST!!!  That is the first form of life for a chicken. A form of life. Rather a broad view, but it makes as much sense as the Moral Majority's ideas. Any life is precious. Even a chicken. But what is used for Stem Cell research is NOT a living thing. I have also read that hundreds of these embryo's are distroyed every year. Better they be used to preserve life and cure life threatening diseases, and other problems. If President Bush feels so strongly about the sanctity of life, what about the millions of people that can be helped with the research that he has so cavalierly destroyed any hope for relief from life threatning conditions.   He is a hypocrite!!

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