Jim Lubin wrote:

"I have a moral problem with taking
one life to improve another persons life."

You also mention the nazis.

Following your moral standard, the Allied Forces were
wrong to kill nazis, because in so doing they improved (saved)
the lives of those who would have been killed in the gas
chambers.  Many of the Holocaust survivors survived to have children
and grandchildren.  That is a good thing, is it not?

These are not simple matters.  Our country is also
the only one to have killed thousands of people
with the nuclear bomb.  Very tough decision.
Horrible? Yes. But it probably prevented the loss of
countless other lives.  Was it wrong....?

If a couple decides they no longer need the embryo
being stored, and it will only be destroyed or thrown
out, how does anyone know that a higher power
isn't showing us that this can be used to save future
generations of children who might be born with or
develop incurable diseases?  No, I don't believe
in having 'embryo farms'.

You stated your opinions.  These are my opinions.


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