Actually this is an update on his tiny grandson.  Errol asked me to pass along a message to all of you that he thanks you for all your kind thoughts and prayers during this trying time.  I am copying excerpts of his message for all to read:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2006 4:25 AM
Subject: RE: Our New Grand Son....

       Hello Debbie,
  We visited Dane at the hospital today, he is in an Intensive Care Unit of the Prince Charles Hospital here in Brisbane.   PCH is a specialist hospital for Cardiac people and is next door to the Holy Spirit Hospital I had my stents and pacemaker implanted.
                             Seeing him today revealed that he has a problem with his Aortic heart valve, and they are closely monitoring his Atric and Ventricular rythems.  There is some problems there.   He had an MRI this afternoon, was down there for two hours, the MRI revealed he has two very small infarctions on his brain and should grow out of these in time, but they are consulting with a specialist neurologist on that one.   There are specialists and consultants from all over the city being engaged to comment on Dane's condition and there recomendations are flowing in.   Surgery could be a couple of weeks away, he is only just seven days old. 
Dane will be christened tomorrow morning and we will be there with other family.
                             He is certainly having a rough start to life, but except for all the cables and tubes he looks ok, colour is good and he is holding his weight pretty well.
It is a very trying time for us.   We used to think this only happens to  other people, we are now those other people.  We are trying to remain strong for our family, but in my quiet hours I do find a tear starting to flow.
Love and Kind Regards from Errol, Mavis and Family, South East Queensland, Australia....xxxx

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