Yeah, sand and the beach are quite the struggle--and when it's hot out
it doesn't help my muscles to work any better.  As much as I love the
beach I usually end up exhasuted and out of spoons for several days
afterward, but it's still a good time.  I'm nervous to go too far into
the water for fear of getting knocked over and not being able to
easily get back on my feet with waves crashing.

Next weekend I'm taking my new (used) sailboat out for the first THAT should be an experience.


PS - Thank you all for your encouraging words...sometimes it's easy to
forget that you just need to ignore the ignorant and go about living
as if nothing is wrong.

On 7/22/06, Krissy Z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Funny you should say that..I lose my balance all the time and catch
myself...and when I was away, walking in the sand was QUITE the stumbling
experience and when I went into the water!! I was stumbling and falling over
and laughing and walking backwards because the water pushed me that way and
I looked rip roaring drunk!! And I wasn't at the time! Walking out of the
water I needed help because it was uphill and sand that was smushy and boy
the looks i got LOL They musta thought I was having a grand ole time all the
while I was just struggling to walk!

Terry McLaughlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I'll preface this by saying that I may be speaking to a limited
audience since I am a college student and one of the walking wounded.

Have any of you even been in a situation like this: You've had a
couple of drinks, but nothing to put you in the "intoxicated" state,
yet when you happen to get up to either get another drink, or go to
the restroom, some a-hole makes a comment like "woah buddy" when you
happen to stumble a little bit--even though the stumbling is not at
all alcohol related? I've had this happen a few times and it really
gets on my nerves that someone has to be a big mouth and make a scene
about something they have no clue about. I stumble a little and take
some time to get my balance when I stand up after sitting a long time,
and I don't need to be reminded by someone about this fact. Drives me
up a wall.

Just needed to vent, and a bit tipsy at the moment if I might add.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Krissy Zodda
Tri State Support Group Leader
~I'm In pretty Good Shape
 For the Shape I am in~

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