Juan M Flores
11773 Two Towers Dr
El Paso, TX 79936
Tel: (915) 856-3392
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The Benefits Of Cymbalta

The benefits of Cymbalta will really be an individual experience, although these newer drugs tend to carry a lot of benefits and not nearly the amount of side effects as antidepressants in the past.  One of the greatest benefits, if Cymbalta works for you, is that it seems to work more quickly than other antidepressants.  As mentioned above, many people have to wait eight to sixteen weeks to even begin to feel the effects of any antidepressant.  With Cymbalta a good deal of people have begun to see improvement in just a handful of days, or two to three weeks, which is a much more acceptable time frame.  This is a huge benefit for people who are suffering from major depressive disorder as they don’t have to waste three to four more months of their life being depressed, if the medication does not seem to be working for them they can try something else. 

Relieving depression is a huge benefit to the life of anyone who suffers from major depressive disorder, or any type of depression that his or her doctor deems worthy of medicating.  Depression can be as crippling as any physical disease, and stopping or even relieving the extent of the symptoms will be the single best benefit of any drug, including Cymbalta.

For neuropathy pain, just having a medication that helps is a benefit enough.  Some people really experience a difference in just a couple weeks, and taking that pain away can really transform a person’s life over night.  Cymbalta works to basically marinate your neurons in these brain chemicals, and that helps to relieve pain.  Often, when attempting to relieve nerve pain other medications are used in conjunction with Cymbalta to repair nerve tissue to relieve pain both short term and long term.  Cymbalta is a very beneficial drug for many people who suffer from the awful nerve pain associated with diabetes and other diseases.

Precautions To Consider When Taking Cymbalta

You will, of course, want to discuss your overall health with your prescribing doctor when considering Cymbalta, as they’ll need to weigh the risks and benefits associated with your taking this particular drug.  Like any drug, Cymbalta may not be right for everyone, so you and your doctor will have to work together to decide if this one is right for you.

If you have taken an MAOI type drug such as Marplan, Nardil, or Parnate in the last two weeks you’ll want to wait awhile until you begin to take Cymbalta.  The majority of people are not on an MAOI type drug, so it’s likely that is precaution does not apply to you, but if it does you and your doctor should take this warning seriously.  Very serious complications often arise when these two types of drugs are mixed, and the complications can be fatal.

You’ll want to mention any drugs that you have been on for the last three to six months before starting Cymbalta.  Many people don’t realize that many drugs remain in the system for days or even weeks after they are discontinued, so it’s very important to talk to your doctor and/or your pharmacist to be sure that you will not suffer from any ill-advised drug combinations.  While most of what you take will probably not interact adversely with Cymbalta, you should let your doctor or pharmacist decide.

You’ll want to let your doctor know if you suffer from any medical conditions, even if they do not seem to relate to your depression or neuropathy in any way. You’ll especially want to mention kidney or liver disease, diabetes, narrow angle glaucoma, high blood pressure, seizure, bipolar disorder, suicidal thoughts, or if you drink alcohol regularly. These conditions do not necessarily mean that you cannot take Cymbalta; it may just mean that your doctor will have to prescribe more carefully and monitor your health more closely in

Juan M Flores
11773 Two Towers Dr
El Paso, TX 79936
Tel: (915) 856-3392

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