I didn't sign this post to Jude. 
Patti - Mid Michigan 

> Jude,
> I know this fits your question personally, but it might help someone else in 
> an HMO also.  I was in your same HMO since its existence until I went on 
> Medicare May 2006.  Michigan Blue Care Network no longer has "territories".  
> The HMO allows you to cross what used to be the territory lines and receive 
> coverage from any provider who works with the BCN HMO.  
> I must have saved my Blue Care Network notebook just for you.  This is from 
> the Winter 2004 booklet (page 22). " No more regions:  you can select any 
> participating provider.  It no longer matters what region you live in or 
> where your primary physician is located.  You can select any participating 
> provider in our service area.  Of course, its best to have one close to home, 
> but you no longer have to worry abour crossing regional lines."
> My neuro was alway out of my PCP's region and the office manager gave me fits 
> each time she had to go through BCN's process.   She and I hasseled for two 
> months over a referral. because she didn't know of this policy change.  Maybe 
> its possible that your doctor's office isn't going the extra mile and they 
> are giving you the excuse of territory or regional lines when they are no 
> longer a problem.  I hope this is the answer you need. 
> BCN phone number is 800-662-6667.  They can tell you if this policy is still 
> in effect.  
> ---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> >      
> >  
> > Hi All and Frank,
> >  
> > As usual, I need some advice and help.  I am so darn mad  I almost cannot 
> > stand it! (actually, can't STAND it, at all)  LOL
> >  
> > I think that most of you know I have been waiting and waiting  to go to the 
> > seating clinic so that I can get my tilting/reclining  wheelchair so that I 
> > can 
> > get out of this danged bed I have been in since  December.
> >  
> > Well, the telephone woke me up early this morning with the  good news from 
> > my 
> > doc's office that all of this time the clinic they were  sending me to is 
> > out 
> > of my HMO's territory!!!  I hate ineptness so  much...
> > (anger)
> >  
> > What have I done lately to hurt anybody?  (feeling sorry  for myself)
> >  
> > I have been in this da____ bed (that I am so thankful to  have) since the 
> > first of December with two broken legs, after being  Paralyzed with 
> > complete TM 
> > for 4 years (for those of you who do not know  this), and I want to get up 
> > and 
> > in my chair so badly I almost can't stand  it!
> >  
> > I can't sit in the chair for more than 1/2 hour because my  legs swell 
> > inside 
> > the casts so badly and become so painful that I can't  take it and have to 
> > go 
> > to bed in order to raise them.  
> >  
> > Besides that, I have a pressure sore inside the anal cavity  (caused by the 
> > ischema (sp) bone) that bleeds profusely when I perform my  normal bowel 
> > program.  I was so looking forward to the new (my old  one was stolen) seat 
> > for the 
> > new wheelchair...
> > (feeling even more sorry for myself)
> >  
> > I just don't know what to do any more.  I need help with  some ideas and 
> > answers.  I don't know how to fight "city hall" any  longer and am almost 
> > out of 
> > the strength needed to do it.  It's all  INSURANCE COMPANY and HMO'S, not 
> > to 
> > mention the SOCIAL SECURITY COMMISSION  who have all of the power...They 
> > are in 
> > charge and what I/we say is of  little or no consequence. I am getting so 
> > pissed!!! (anger)   
> > 
> > Why is it always one step forward and three steps  back?
> >  
> > Dr. Frank, I added your name to this email because you know  what I need to 
> > say and who I mostly need to say it to in order to get  something moving in 
> > the 
> > proper manner, by doing whatever it is in the  proper order, addressing the 
> > right people!  And, I want ACTION,  now!  What do I do, how do I do it, and 
> > who 
> > do I address my actions  to?  Help me, please!
> >  
> > Some of you have already been helping from behind the  List.  Sally, the 
> > Nutritionist wrote a lovely letter addressing how  the use of a new 
> > wheelchair 
> > that raises up above my cooktop so that I  could take charge of making our 
> > meals 
> > using healthier foods (Dave does his  best, but cooking is not his strong 
> > suit...), so that it would help  by enhanced healing of pressure sores and 
> > stomach 
> > ulcers, my weight  loss, and all over general health.  
> >  
> > People have been sending me loving support through the  grapevine and I 
> > appreciate it all so very, very much.  And I  appreciate all that Dave 
> > does.  He 
> > takes care of me all by  himself...no one comes in to help and we can't 
> > afford 
> > to pay any type of  service.  He takes care of the animals, the house, the 
> > five 
> > acres,  the laundry, all of my needs (staying up half the night last night 
> > because  I had such deathly diarrhea I was in tears), and he works six/ten 
> > to  
> > twelve hour nights a week, at 54 years old.  I don't mean ever to  sound 
> > like I 
> > don't appreciate him.
> >  
> > Anyway, I'm sorry for getting out of control with this.   And for being so 
> > needy.  But I am at my wits end and need whatever  kind of help any of you 
> > can 
> > give.
> >  
> > Peace and Prayers,
> > Jude
> > 
> > 

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