I was in the Termite and Pest Control industry for several years (technician, sales, supervision) and was state certified in 5 categories so had knowledge of several pesticides. I have been out of the business for a few years before I was "hit" with TM so do not believe (and my neurologist agrees) that the pesticides I used have anything to do with the TM. That doesn't mean it didn't and won't "rear its ugly" head later--cancer, but I was usual careful in heavy duty applications using proper clothing, respirators, gloves, etc.

As far as someone being around it on occasion, pesticides are VERY carefully tested, regulated by the EPA and in about 13 years time I never had anyone become sick from my applications. The sheet referred to is a Material Safety Data Sheet. It is like the information on prescription drugs--MAY CAUSE........ The material used to "bomb" (more correctly "fog" or "ULV" (ultra low velocity) are very fine particles of a material which is a contact kill. Once it disspates and you return to the apartment it no longer has an effect. If they come in and crack and crevice spray, that is more of a residual spray which stays around for a while but, again, it is applied in cracks so not being sprayed all over the room. The "fog", I repeat, is NOT RESIDUAL.

I cannot say for sure this could absolutely not be a problem for you, of course, but I highly doubt it . You will stay out of the apartment for the treatment. I never heard of anyone being bothered after returning at the suggested time. You may want to stay out an hour longer than recommended.

I would worry more about the infestation of roaches, which carry disease. Roaches are nasty--at one period of time they can be "who knows where"--- perhaps on someones toilet seat or in the toilet, then a while longer on your kitchen counter or on your toothbrush.

Also, if they treat other adjoining apartments but not yours, the roaches may flee from that treatment apartment to a "safer" abode--your apartment!

If it makes you feel better, after the "bomb" treatment, they could, as an alternative to the residual treatment, use a bait material we sometimes used in homes as an alternative to sprays where there were people with asthma or were pregnant.

Hope this helps. By the way, I got out of the Pest Control business because of long hours, low pay, dirty work, few benefits. It was though, interesting and one had to be kept informed and trained and. The media and others seemed to make pesticides terrible when, if applied properly, keep us from being infested with disease borne pests.

Gary in Michigan

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Wolfthal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 2:13 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Chemicals and TM

Does anyone know if the chemicals used by exterminators, parrticularly
roaches, is more dangerous to TM'ers than to healthy peoople?  Obviously
exposure to chemicals is better than any exposure, especially with a
immune system.

I live in a high-rise condominium complex that is infested.  The board
was going
to send someone to spray, but then they sent a threatening letter that
they want to
set off a roach 'bomb' in my condo, and there is no way I could tolerate
that.  The threat was that they will fine me $100 per day for every day
I don't let them 'bomb'.  I agreed to the spraying, which they haven't

I think I will have to get a letter from a doctor and maybe a lawyer
stating that
a 'bomb' could exacerbate my TM.  The board members here make the
look like Santa's elves.


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