I have been off line for a few days. I have a hemangioma at T9, which is where my supposed lesion is(about now, I could have Voodoo Septia and would not know - this is a joke). I have a lot of pain at T9 off and on and numbness, which sometimes extents farther down my body. But, at my recent visit to MS Hershey Medical Center, Dr Tenser the neurologist I saw never even looked at my new spinal mris, so never got to discuss this with him. He took my brain mris and put a few to the overhead light and said looked ok to him. He did a brief neurological exam, told me I would not need to return. He does not believe there is such a thing as TM, outright said so. He says you either have MS or I guess he thinks you have nothing. It was a most interesting visit. I now am no better off than before I saw him. Well, he said the things the radiologist found on my brain mri were what they told everyone - possible lupus, or vasulitis or collagen disease, lymes or early demyelinating disease. So, all of you out there,  guess we should not bother to pay to have our mri's read, since it is all a bunch of lies. VBG
Natalie Boyles

On 8/18/06, Jill Z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Have any of you ever heard of a lipoma or a hemangioma of the spine?  One of my friends at work has this and has numbness in her arms, constant pain and has memory problems etc.  Sounds a little like us but her legs and bladder and bowles etc are fine....Just thought I'd see if anyone is familiar with this too...
Jill in Chicago

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