I propose the   'braised braine brother(sister)hood'.
Me missus was dx'd with MS in 99 February, went on Avonex right away and today, 323 shots later, you couldn't tell she's a gimp.  Go for it, Jeff.  Get on the ABC plan.
Sharon Marsden hosts a very good MSers club.  Check it out.
Bobberino in Elvisland.
Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 8:28 AM

Hey Jeff,
Welcome to the club. I got my Dx of my first brain lesion a week and a half ago.  We need to develop a nick name for the TMers with brain lesions.  Cuz we are staying!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 9:24 PM

well friday,i got the dx ive been dreading.after 6 and a half years of being jerked around by doctors,insurance companies and being tossed out of one therapy unit to another because of lack of improvment,they found lesions on the brain that were not there before and i was dx with ms,the 2 letters i didnt want to hear,but its going to open a bunch of doors that were not open before as far as meds and treatment,but ive dealt with it this long.no since crying over spilled milk i guess.
does anyone know some good net ms sites as far as groups go?,i still plan on staying on the tm site,but im just searching for info.

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