Call them synchronicities, or call them coincidences, whatever you like. I am usually awed when they occur. At the very least, I feel affirmed by these so called happen-chance messages. These happenings remind me of the Bible story about the gift of manna (which I always imagined to be crummy tasting doughy yeast balls) being sent down from the heavens to feed Moses and his followers.

Whenever I'm hungry or in need of something that need has eventually been taken care of. At times when I have felt like I'm on the end of my rope someone pops up and offers a hand or gives me direction. Other times help arrived before I even realize I needed it - that's the coolest!

I truly belief that there is hope in every situation, a light at the end of every dark tunnel. Yet, this knowlege has seldom stopped me from periodically feeling alone or sucked up into the doldrums. The reason I bring this up today is that I am feeling especially appreciative of a handful of emails sent to me the past couple of days. I admit that I had been indulging in an internal pity party earlier this week. I've been wondering why I bother doing my day-to-day activities - sound familiar? I guess we all get to feeling bogged down by the details sometimes. But, slowly I'm coming out of my lack of ambition and useless brooding. I am getting back on track thanks to a few wonderful readers who took the time to email me and thank me for my help. These "thank you emails" have reminded me that the work I do as a holistic healing communicator DOES make a difference.

Sometimes we don't realize what is happening behind the scenes. Results of our labors are not always apparent. Has someone helped you in some small way, or done something which has made a significant difference in your life? Have you bothered to let them know? Why not shoot an email off to someone who has perhaps unknowingly helped you. A few kind words or gratitude message could be just what they need to hear in that moment to help lift their spirit over a troubling hurdle.

Krissy Zodda
Tri State Support Group Leader
~I'm In pretty Good Shape
For the Shape I am in~

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