Yeah, am always poo-pooing AOL but you must be one of the few who over the years has learned how to use it to your benefit and overcome its shortcomings.
Maybe those other AOLers can ask you for pointers.......???   My brother-in-law #2 had AOL and asked me for help but I couldn't do a thing for him.  He's since switched to RoadRunner.
BobbyJim the shittestirrer.
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Caps and craps

Hello Bobberino,
AOL allows many choices for emails.  You always are putting down AOL as an ISP, but many of us like it. 
I can use different fonts
So, as you can see, there are lots of choices on AOL as well.  It's just a matter of using them, or not!
Hugs to all, Barbara A  

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