I had the problem in early July and went in to the neuro. The MRI was done at the end of July and showed a new brain lesion. 
My dry mouth has subsided and also my swallowing problems. It was more like an intense tingling than pain really.   You know that good old TM tingling that some times ramps up to be like burning and pain and other times seems to slow down to just pins and needles.  That was a very weird feeling on the tongue and lips. 
 The new brain lesion was in a different part of the brain this time. 
Sandy - I am going to say again that it is blustery here in Wisconsin today. I like that word blustery and no one but Winnie the Pooh ever really used it well.
----- Original Message -----
Cc: TM List
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Lesion at C5

Did your doc say the dry mouth was MS related?  I have had dry mouth now for about 8 months.  My tongue hurts at times from the dryness.  I've had swallowing problems off and on for 8 years and often slur my speech.   When was the new MRI done that showed the brain lesion? 

Sharon --from Arizona TM 1997 to MS 1998
It's not easy taking my problems one at a time when they refuse to get in line.  ~Ashleigh Brilliant

----- Original Message ----
From: Sandy Heidel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: TM List <TMIC-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:42:23 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Lesion at C5

I just went through a few weeks of dry mouth and swallowing difficulties and also some slurring of speech which turned out to be an MS attack. This time the lesion was in the brain so I made the jump from recurrent TM and probable MS to RTM and MS. 
But it was really annoying to drink water all the time and still feel like it was never enough.  My last TM attack left a spinal cord lesion at the C1 Medulla so swallowing is an issue whenever I get over heated or tired. But this was so bizarre and long lasting.  
My point is that it might just be the TM acting up. 
Sandy in blustery Wisconsin
----- Original Message -----
Cc: TM List
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Lesion at C5

I'm interested in the Sjogrens.  How was it diagnosed?   I had blood work several months ago and it was negative.  I have developed extremely dry mouth.  I've had severely dry eyes since I was 25.  My doc said Sjogrens doesn't always show up on the blood tests.


Sharon --from Arizona TM 1997 to MS 1998
It's not easy taking my problems one at a time when they refuse to get in line.  ~Ashleigh Brilliant

----- Original Message ----
Cc: TM List <TMIC-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 10:39:32 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Lesion at C5

Hi Michelle and Patti,
And Heather - what a great memory you have!  I actually did live in Bothell for 28 years, until the middle of May of this year we moved to Eagle, Idaho (outside of Boise) Most of our family is here. I was forced (due to TM) to retire from my job of 31 years insuring show horses. Now my husband is retired also.
Welcome Michelle - I am very sorry to hear you are having such a hard time right now. It always amazes me that we can have lesions in the same areas and yet have such different symptoms. I have not had problems with my arms or hands - except when my Sjogrens rears its ugly head and then all of my joints hurt. And I certainly have not had a swollen tongue and facial paralysis. I have however had severe shooting pains from my lesions C4-6 up the right side of my head and even over the head clear to my forehead. Docs have no clue - except possibly a nerve in the lesion????? 4+ years and have never had any of this. Very painful, and still no answers.
Michelle - I hope you have or are going to check with your doc regarding your symptoms. And yes Patti is right on - TM does bring us to a life of reality. I have been reflecting lately - for me, not necessarily a good thing - my life has changed so drastically. I just have to keep telling myself - chin up, it could be worse.
( By the way, what part of Bothell do you live in? I loved it there.)
God Bless you and all of our fellow TMers
Linda (now Eagle, ID)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 12:47 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Lesion at C5

Hi Michelle
Please forgive us for getting on the print and type tangent.  It seems we get off track when the group is quiet and no one is discussing an urgent TM need.

I understand your frustration with the numbness in your hands because my lesion at C4-C6 causes me the same problems.  I type with my thumbs and index fingers, my typing is horrid and it takes me forever to type a post.  Two weeks before TM struck I googled MS because I kept dropping things and I knew it could be a symptom of MS. I read that MS usually strikes before age 50 and since I was 53 I hit the exit button and breathed a sigh of relief!  Duh!  I can never go back to being that nieve' again - TM brings us to a life of reality doesn't it.

It's good to learn that your MRI didn't show any brain lesions.  It sounds like something might be going on (swollen tongue and facial paralysis), but maybe the future MS drugs will stop future lesions.

Heather was right about Linda having lived in Bothel Wa, but she moved to another state a few months ago. 

God bless you
Patti  -  Michigan
(and I pray that he heals me and all of you out there)

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