Well, folks........ it's true.  A husband at the scene makes all the difference.
At least that's been the case with me missus and more than once.  When she gets nowheres with a doc, she'll bring me along at the next appointment, and my mere presence makes the chauvinist doc change his tune pronto presto. One neuro would only talk to me totally ignoring his patient.   Amazing.
One of her neuros was so pissed off at my being there he almost threw us out.  We dumped him instead.   What a jerk.  A complete drongo, as GillyGurLL would say.
Unfortunately there is still out there the misconception that women cain't tell schitt from schmitt..... and waaaay too many doctors, with their gawd-like attitudes, suffer from this malady in the worst way.
So, to those of you who think you can handle a misogynist doc by yourselves, go for it.   To the rest of you, bring in reinforcements.  I'll stand by me missus anytime; so should your hubby or significant other.
From: Natalie Boyles      To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; TM list
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Brain stuff or not

LOL Frank! Are you really serious about taking ones husband along so the doctor will believe them?  I never drag my husband along if I can help it.He only gets a few days off as is. And, I am a grown woman and I feel it would be like taking along a parent or guardian. Please tell me doctors do not think like that. Sounds like a scene out of "Gone from the Wind."  " Why Brett,I think she is haven a case of the vapors."
This has given me a good laugh, oh my. Patti, Frank is cool, I guess he is maybe telling us how it is. Are you?
You should tread lightly F.  In defense of women, is there a difference between men who are in pain and men who are a PAIN?
> neurotic housewife?
> Your problem is that you're a female.
> Most doctors know that any symptoms reported by women are due to neurosis, symptoms reported by men are > secondary to some disease process.
> I know that doesn't help.
> Have you tried taking your husband with you to the doctor's??
> Good Luck
> F  

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