So sorry to hear about your husband and family being so busy.
You might think about moving to Texas. 
In Texas, Individuals can make $1,123 or less and Married Couples $1,505 or less.  I make $1,201.50, too much for the help, but Billy is starting his paperwork for his premium assist.  It might be a good thing that we are not married.
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

Anne Shreve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everyone, I just wanted to try to explain my current situation and see if any of you have any advice. I was covered under medicare and medicaid, and had been for about 7 years. My husband passed away suddenly in Dec. 2001 and at that time I started receiving a survivor benefit check along with the disability check. I had to meet an 816.00 deductible each month because of the increase in income. However, that was going along just fine because when my meds., supplies, and the one-day salary of my CNA was totalled, I more than met my decuctible. I should include that the ded. had to be met on the first working day of each month. Then the Medicare D program came along and took over paying for my meds. I have to pay a co-pay on two meds. and the other two are not covered at all. But the main setback was that In January when Medicare D took over paying a very large part of my meds each month, (remember my meds. were helping me meet that deductible each month), I was told that if I kept medicaid, I would have to pay my CNA's salary out of my pocket until I had paid that 816.00 ded. So I was left with no choice. I was forced to give up my medicaid and lost my CNA. We had been together for a little over 6  years and she is one of my dearest friends. I have been unable to walk even one step for over 6 yrs. now. I am living alone in a handicapped apartment and to be quite honest, I don't know how much longer I am going to be able to stay alone. My son and daughter come by and call as often as they can to see if I need anything, but my daughter works full time and has a family of 4 to take care of herself, and my son is going to college full time so his life is busy too. I have applied for any and all kinds of "extra" help. I even filled out an application from the Social Security Office to get assistance with paying my medicare premiums each month. But I got a letter back from them saying my income was too high. My disability check use to be $748 but when they started taking the medicare premium out in Jan. it reduced in the amount of 88.00. So now I get $660 on the 3rd of each month and I get the survivor benefit check which is $403 on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. The last place I want to end up is in a nursing home, but I'm not so sure how much of a choice I will soon have. Oh, by the way, I have hand-written and e-mailed my senators, the Governor's office and the Office of Legislation, all with no reply. I feel as if I am being punished because my husband passed away. Something about all this just "ain't" right. I know it was lengthy, but thanks so much for taking the time to read it, whether you have any advice or not. I think I'm a little scared of what my future holds. Not a good feeling. Love Ya All.  Anne Shreve, Eden, North Carolina. God Bless You All

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