Title: AOL Email
It's so sad to hear that another one of us is experiencing family difficulties when it comes to our having TM.  I just "lost" the member of my family, my eldest niece, to whom I felt the most close. 
Her exact words were, "I can't do enough, so I choose to do nothing at all."
Does that make any sense to you?  Me neither.  I only am relating this to you to show you that you are not alone, even though it seems like it.  Oh, I hadn't heard from her, by any means, since before Christmas.  We used to phone several times a week.  I cared for her children when they were young, before they went to school.  She and I were "close".
This, of all of the side effects of TM is the one that causes the most pain and yet there is nothing to be taken for it.  We do have each other and must learn to appreciate that.  It seems to be taking me a long, long time.
Keep your chin up...God Bless You,

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