This tired saga continues...I lost it with my neurologist yesterday...

I had the spinal tap (hated it), waited for results and the visit which would explain everything as well as the possible treatment.  What did I get? Inconclusive result and totally furstrated.  According to my doctor, I do not have MS and he cannot honestly say that I do not have Devic's ("you still may have that, it just not aggresive enough to treat").  However, I do have TM which could give way to MS or Devic's and he does not know what caused it. 

However, I should come see him in six month or sooner should I develop more serious symptoms (numbness in a limb, more severe vision problems).  He does not want to mistreat me by prescribing the wrong dosage or the wrong type of steriod.  What?!  Three month of MRIs, blood testing, flying to the Mayo clinic and back; more testing, xrays, blood work and that horrible spinal tap.  Modern mediciine is reactive not proactive. Or perhaps he just doesn't know what to do?  Yes, I pitch a small fit.  This has been exhausting and such a rollercoaster ride.  I don't think my doctor is aware of the toll this process takes on a patient. 

Lastely, wewill seek a 2nd opinion from the Shepherd Center (downtown Atlanta).  After an awful night of disappointment and frustration, I rec a call this morning from the Shepherd Center and I have an appt tomorrow with a Dr. Thrower.  I'm tired.  I just want to move on...


Last week I had the spinal tap and today I found out that the results were negative.  Negative for MS I'm guessing.  I have to wait until next week Tuesday in order to have a visit and sit down with my Dr.  What does this all mean?  That I most likely have Devic's and definately not MS?  I need some answers so that I do not get overly weighed downed...

I went to Cancun with my sister a two weeks ago.  I left children and husband behind...I really needed to mope and think.  My sister has Lupus and she was quite helpful on what to do when you are exhausted, tired or just not in the right frame of mind.  While I was there, I believe I was very much affected by the hot weather.  I was sick for two days, back, neck pain and I even spiked a fever overnight and woke up with a fever blister on my lip.  I had no appetite and I was a just wanting to sleep.  I took some of my sister's 600mg ibuprofen for comfort.  I typically, love and enjoy the warm weather.  I love the feel of the sun on me and I just was a little disturbed that i did not feel well and was so drained on my vacation.

Does the warm weather affect persons with Devic's in this mannter?? 



I just received a call from my dr. that my antibody test from the Mayo Clinic was negative for Devic's disease.  He previously ruled out MS based on my MRI scans, what then is plaguing me? It is possible to have Devic and have a negative testing for the particular antibody?


Subject: Re: [TMIC] subscribe
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 23:02:30 EDT

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Ann in Virginia

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