Janet:  In this forum, we are glad you ask; you cannot ask a stupid
question because there are none--if you need to know, it's important. No
matter how many times something comes up, there's always a new or
different way to look at it or deal with it.  And if the answers that are
posted don't quite get it for you, keep asking until you get something you
understand.  That's what is so very special about this group. We never
take it for granted that any part of living with TM is a known quantity. 
When you realize how wonderful and complicated the spinal cord is--it is
no wonder that we all experience individual clusters of symptoms and

A warm welcome to you, and to any "lurkers" out there who are too shy to
ask a question.  TM is a continuing journey, to which we all can attest. 
I am still learning what works for me.

Cora in OK, with the most recent developments being: using  multiple
Depends Boosts pads for night time, so I don't have to wake up and go to
the potty.  Also, horseback riding for strength and exercise. I swear I
can walk better after riding.  And a new massage therapist that's working
the knots (trigger points) out of my muscles of my legs, and we are making
headway!  It's not as enjoyable a massage as my old therapist, but we're
getting better results.  And last but not least, changing my medication
schedule to where I take the Tizanidine at bedtime, so that the drowsiness
it tends to cause helps my legs relax and quit twitchin'!

I am  just wondering if anyone has had another episode of TM after the
original  one?  Mine has remained relatively stable for a year now, and I
am just
wondering if this will be the way it is now, or if it can flare up and be
debilitating again.
Being  fairly new to the list, I am not sure if this has been covered before,
my  apologies if it has.

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