Hello --- If you're not already taking cranberry juice, it is very helpful to start.  I used to get these bladder infections all the time, and they can travel up into the kidneys if not caught soon enough.  But since I started taking the cranberry juice, I hardly ever have one. It prevents the bacteria from sticking to the wall of the bladder, so they can't go forth and multiply.  Cranberry drinks will help, but we don't really want all that sugar.  The best thing you can use is 100% pure unsweetened cranberry juice, available at health food stores or some supermarkets in 1 qt glass bottles.  It's quite tart, but you will get used to it.  I truly like it now. (Don't take it right after eating something sweet or right after brushing your teeth, it tastes so much worse then.)  Take a couple tablespoons in the morning and most importantly, a couple right before bed.  They also sell capsules, but they are so small, it seems like you'd have to take a lot of them to get the equivalent of 2 tablespoons of the pure juice.  You can also mix the juice in your smoothie if you have one, etc.  This has been proven in dozens of studies to really work, and is so much better for you than constantly taking antibiotics to cure the infections.  Cranberry juice has also been proven to help prvent strokes.  Any dark red fruit or veggie contains tons of antioxidants -- cranberries are one of the healthiest things you can take, for many reasons.
best,  Michelle  
----- Original Message -----
From: Diane
To: Linda
Cc: TM
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] bladder and UTI

I have the same problem + catherization - no feeling.  I pay close attention to odour, colour & pressure above the pelvic bone.  Any change is my signal to see my dr.
Diane in Canada who just got over still another UTI.

Linda wrote:

I've been reading all the post's concerning UTI and the bladder, etc.
My question is.....(and this may be a really DUMB one) How do you know if you have UTI if you can not feel, do not feel normal from the waist down?
What I mean is, I have feeling, I can walk, but when it comes to FEELING, I do not have it....(such as relations with my husband), etc....I am almost at my 4 year mark, I was completely paralyzed from the waist down, I have come a long way, but I do have a neurogenic bladder, I am on detrol, and I try to go to the bathroom every 2 hours and I have been told to double void. Would I be able to have the sensations that goes along with UTI, such as burning? I don't think I have this, but sometimes the stream is so little, I know that I am not emptying completely.
Linda Garrett

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