Hi Bob and All ~
   Excellent letter Bob....great ideas..!
   Thought I should pop in here and let everyone know that I have been handling the "unsubscribers" for many months now.  I write to them off list as soon as I see their email.  There are many reasons why they have unsubscribed.......some of these people are still writing to me off list ....
the main reasons are 1) Too many emails for me to handle right now....
2)  I'm only unsubscribing for a while (many reasons on this...vacations, etc)...3) I can't subscribe from my work computer any more......fortunately I have rarely had anyone unsubscribe because of
any of our unsavory dinner table conversations.  :-)  Many of these people have subscribed again and are "up in the rafters" just "listening."
   I can totally understand why people just simply send an email to the list wanting to unsubscribe.  It's so much easier than figuring out where the home page is that they subscribed from in the first place...... and they just KNOW that someone on the list will help them out.  They are right....!  :-)  That's what we are here for....!  :-)
   So..... if you see someone wanting to unsubscribe just delete the message and know I will take care of them.  If the day ever comes that I can't ...I will email the list and let someone else take over the job.
   Love to all,  Lynn

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