Thank you so much for your posting!  I found it to be very incourageing!  Just what I needed to hear/read today.

Robert Pall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It is very difficult to truly talk about TM considering no two
of us are effected in the same way. We all have similar conditions but
the degree of the condition is never similar. Of course a large element
is where the lesion is on the spine and probably the size of the lesion.
Many TM'rs talk of pain, and I do not. I have "discomfort" 24/7. The
numbness, pins and needles and banding are always there. Some days are
better than others but I have major discomfort always. I saw Dr. Kerr
last week for my annual evaluation (my seventh in a row)and I asked him
if I was doing better than many others due to the extent TM hit me or
because I have exercised and worked so hard to be as good as I can. His
answer was both. Exercise is very important if for no other reason than
to not go backwards and for our gereral good health. I also asked him if
patients diagnosed with TM have a shorter life span (considering how
hard we work to do the simplest tasks) and hios answer was no. I guess I
am one of the "lucky ones". I can walk without a cane, although not very
long or very far. I have been able to work fulltime the past 9 years.
And I push myself to not let TM stop me from almost anything (with the
exception of athletics). I try to never feel sorry for myself and I
continue to exercise everyday almost to the point of exhaustion. I will
not give in to this condition. I am quite certain after seeing Dr. Kerr
that the cure is years not decades away. I hope the people who have the
most severe cases especially the children will see a cure first. If I
have to live with my problem longer or not be cured at all then so be
it. To me life is still good anhd TM will not change that for me.
When I read many of the e mails I can feel the frustration and
bitterness. I believe many who write are not able to work and therefore
have to deal with the condition minute to minute.I who work, am able to
forget it until I get home and then give in to the condition. I do not
consider unsubscribing due to anything anyone says. I glance quickly at
every e mail and if it is not pertinent I just delete...which really
takes less than a second. If it is pertinent I reply directly to the
person and not the group. I reply only to the group when I think it
pertains to most if not all.
As always having grown up in Brooklyn NY I tend to ramble. But a
day does not go by where I don't pray for all of us. Let's just all hang
in there and help eachother and especially try to help the newcomer whom
is normally so confused and afraid.

Love to all!
Rob in New Jersey

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:58 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Neuro visit & pain questions

Welcome to any newbies out there!
I'm sitting here reading the recent emails regarding sudden onset of TM,
possible infarctions vs lesions, driving with hand controls, deciding on
what wheel chail is best, or what van gives the best access and it all
helps me feel a little better. Thanks for letting me be a part of this
outstanding family of people who both give and glean information.

I have my annual clinical appointment with my neuro tomorrow and I'm
sitting here in pain. Much more pain than I had as TM hit. Looking
back, my first pain was in my bottom end while sitting at work and I
changed my office chair twice. I then had trouble counting money during
an audit. The day of the final hit the pain was in my arms, shoulders
and mid back. It took about 8 hours before my foot was affected. A
lesion is visable at c4-c6 on my Cervical MRI.

I'm taking the info that I have gathered from this group regarding pain.
Let's see, Lyrica, marinol, Frank's infusion, etc. Darn it hurts! So
thanks for being here when I need you. (Any last minute advice or

Patti - Michigan

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