
Just a quick note to Paula Lazzeri and everyone to let you know we are doing well- baby included.  Encouragement is a good thing.

Backround info; My wife, Jennifer, contracted TM out of the blue when she was a teenager which changed her life completely.  (Her lesion being near T9.)  She rose to her challenge and didn't give much thought to perhaps being married one day, nevermind becoming a Mom.  Years later we met and fell in love.  Married in 2002, we now have a son who I am glad to report is thriving and quite a handful.

It's hard to believe that six months ago we were two worried parents trying to navigate the TM confusion regarding our pregnancy and delivery.  Jenny recovered well from her caesarean and has returned to her career etc.  She is back to walking with her crutches most of the time.  I must say though, it was a blessing to have her chair during the last month of pregnancy and the recovery period afterward.  I am adjusting to life as a stay-at-home dad and am thankful that we have that opportunity.

Just wanted to say thank you again for your support!  We'll keep in touch...

--Jonathan (Jenny's husband)


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