I too, didn't wean off the Neurontin to Lyrica. 
The headaches where very bad for 5 days, but it was easier than trying to take Neurontin & Lyrica at the same time.
Todd in CC, TX

I had my annual visit with my neuro yesterday. The main topic of our visit was my desire for additional pain relief. My lesion was at c4-c6, my pain is in my back, left torso down to my toes and my right hand. I'm currently on 1800mg Neurontin, 40mg Baclofen and 75mg Effexor. He suggested the following three options in this order:
1. increase Effexor to 150mg immediately. (Effexor and Cymbalta work the same)
He has an MS patient who manages her pain with 300mg Effexor daily.
2. Slowly increase Neurontin so my doses are closer together- up to 3600mg daily
3. Replace Neurontin with Lyrica starting with 2 x 75mg daily, moving up to 3 pills
per day if needed.

I asked how the switch from Neurontin to Lyrica would be made since it has been discussed on this site. I would decide what day would be my last to take Neurontin, then begin the Lyrica the next day. No weaning or doubling up.

We chose this route because I've only been on the Effexor since July and 75mg is
a low dose for pain management. I've adjusted to these three meds and won't have to be afraid of strange side effects. The cost of Lyrica.

He scheduled me for annual MRI's for brain and cervical. I questioned the need this time since had 4 sets the first 24 months. He said he wanted a 3 year set, but he might go 24 months the next time.

Patti - Michigan

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