I think its horrible how we are being treated.The politicians only do what will get them votes. why bush is doing this is a very annoying and upsetting thing, A slap in our faces.
i have signed many petitions it will not help our seniors or us. My son was in the military for 12 years he wanted to make that his career.He got wise and said that if the government of our country cared so little about what men and woman have died for us to be safe he was not going to put his life on the line anymore. He was in Korea then Kuiate Germany he was stationed in Colorado, then he joined the guard after 8 years. He moved back home and was a lieutenant then his company was the first to deploy to Iraq. He was processed got all his shots, we where given 2 days notice then he would be gone. He said they had new recruits in his group just 18 , they where not ready to go there but they did. My son was told the next day he could not go because he had 2 kidney stone attacks while on maneuvers.
I was relieved as his wife and his 2 small children, He wanted to go but he went to the base and trained other recruits that came in. It took them 2 years before they gave him a honorable medical discharge.
What would our people in our country really fought back? I mean do not pay your bills no income taxes and get what the illegals do.What would they do then. We would not vote boy cot what they are doing. They are only in it for themselves, it makes me sick. If we do not let them know we will be the loosers.. Austrailia is doing the right thing. any illegals who come in their country they have to get citizenship and pay taxes before they get any help. they also have one language, if they cannot speak it then they have to learn it. Here Spanish is going to be our language. They need to learn our language and speak it as any others who come here. There will be no AMERICA just other ethnic cultures who will take America over
I usually never speak politics but I had to reply to this.
Letters to the president and our congressman will help, we have sent many and it does no good. We have to unite and show them how we really feel and they just care about getting elected and will promise us the moon, a lot of b s. I am tired of writing letters and signing petitions, i will forward this on but we need to really speak out. They cannot put us all in jail.
I just hope and pray for the best, and the people who do nothing will be sorry in the long run.
                                Pam who is so annoyed by what our government is doing            

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