Yes.  My left side is the bad side too, and that's how my TM started.  My right foot also felt weird too.  I was walking like a duck for a long time because I couldn't feel my leg and feet.  I think you need to see your neuro.  I didn't like the prednisone either, but it's supposed to help with the inflammation.  Also, #1 think positive and #2 get your rest and #3 take your fish/flax oil, and get some exercise if you can, walking or whatever. 
Hugs and prayers to you! 
Jill in Chicago - who's coming up on her 1 year TM anniversary in a few days

Sharon Marsden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everyone:

My left leg is always my weaker leg.  And I always have numbness and strange sensations.  But yesterday morning my left foot started tingling in a different way with pins/needles.  It was uncomfortable to step down, but not painful.   Now it's spreading up my leg and is up to my upper thigh.  I was dxed with Transverse Myelitis in 1997 (then MS dx came the next year).  I just realized today that the left leg is reminding me of the beginning of my experience with Transverse Myelitis in 97.  It is kind of like the feeling of a foot going to sleep but my leg is feeling draggy.  

Now my right foot is more numb than normal and is feeling stranger than normal.  I thought about calling my neuro but he's 45 miles away and I don't want to go in to see him.  And I don't want to be on solumedrol.  I'm contrary, you know.

Just wondering.....

Sharon --from Arizona TM 1997 to MS 1998
It's not easy taking my problems one at a time when they refuse to get in line.  ~Ashleigh Brilliant

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