I just got Alana's videos from the weekend uploaded. Enjoy!

<http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6795532969004927523&hl=en>Alana sings Have I Told You Lately That I Love You

Alana "stand-up" comedy

<http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3472044889310970423&hl=en>Alana sings I Made It Through The Rain

At 02:06 AM 11/23/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
She is adorable and has a good voice! Wish we could have heard her standup comedy I bet it was great. I looked her up net and I found several articles about her illness and having fundraisers to raise money to modify her house and get a van. There was even was a profile from her boyfriend in the late that something called live journal. I wonder if he stayed with her, I hope so. It seems most boyfriends don't and mine didn't. What do girlfriends do you guys?

Jim, Thank you so much for providing the video.


She is a fine looking young lady with an awesome outlook on life!

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I felt like a kid at Disneyland. Don't know if you have seen that Disneyland commercial where the little kid says "We're to excited to sleep", that's exactly what it was like. I went to bed around 3am then my nurse started getting me up at 6:30am so we would make it to breakfast. No one wanted to miss anything. As one of the camp directors said during the closing program, "sleep is overrated. you can sleep when you leave camp." They told me that was how Christopher Reeve traveled. The flight nurse told me that we use the callsign Lifeguard, meaning medical transport, so that we have priority status going into any airport. Only 2 other aircraft have priority over that, Air Force One and Air Force Two. Correct, I don't go out much at all. I did go to a meeting we had here in Seattle a few years ago. That was the time my ventilator stopped working in the van on the way home. I had to be bagged for about 20 minutes until I made it home to my other vent. One of the doctors mentioned that he was surprised when he heard I agreed to go after that had happened before. I figured there was a backup vent on the plane so there was nothing to worry about. I got to meet another vent dependent quad due to TM. She is 17 and just got sick a year ago. She was born just 10 days before I got sick. She is awesome! Check out one of her videos. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4064072710368966941&q=alana+swagerty&hl=en She decided to sing at the talent show at camp, and also a "stand up" comedy routine. I was laughing so much my eyes got teary.

At 09:52 AM 11/21/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Geez O Pete and ShaaaaaZam!

Reading your post was liking reading about a young kid going to Disneyland, lol. Glad you enjoyed yourself and feeling the experience on how Christopher Reeve traveled several times a year, when he was healthy. If I remember correctly, this is the first major trip you've taken since TMA. Who knows the impact of your inspiration on those you touched this year at VJG Camp, and those who attended. I sincerely hope that you have more opportunities to travel again. That had to be scary in the beginning, when you left the safety and security of your home.
We want to hear more!
Best Wishes
Jim Lubin
disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.org

Jim Lubin
disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.org

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