OK, Georgia is accounted for! Sorry, It slipped my mind also. I so appreciate this website - I've received a lot of good advice over the past three years. Let's make sure Jim comes in first!

Karen Staab - Stone Mountain, Georgia
----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Deborah Nord Capen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Jim Lubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] It's a great time to give!

Hi Deborah
Thanks for the reminder. It's one of those things that i meant to look into, but of course, forgot. This is a challenge to others on the list. We tell Jim all the tim how much his time and effort mean to us, let's put some money behind our woords. After all, the cause is TM. Isn't that why we're on this website. How about a donation or two from every state ad country? Is anyone else up tp the challenge?
It was easy,  I just went through the site listed in Deborah's memo.

Michigan just donated!
---- Deborah Nord Capen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Everybody,
I am writing to say that I am just slightly disappointed at the lack of response to Jim's request to participate in this fundraiser. Out of the 100-plus people that are signed up with this list, only about 5-6 have responded. Jim has slipped into second place in the contest.

For all that Jim has done for us, is it too much to ask for you to help out by just donating as little as $10.00? It is because of Jim that we have this list to participate in, sharing all of our TM experiences and making world-wide friendships. Jim is a very humble man and one of my best friends. He does not ask for much. It is a lot of work for him to keep updating our website and search for ways to earn money for a cure and for newer, better treatments for transverse myelitis. Jim is very devoted to this, and he never asks for anything in return.

Can't we all just help this one time? If I have guilted even one or two of you into making a donation, then I feel that I have succeeded, but Jim needs 8 donations to gain first place again. And remember that Yahoo will match whatever amount that the first place winner achieves, thus doubling the donation!

Please, let's all do this, if not for our own progress in looking for better treatments for TM, then just for Jim. Here is the link again, in case you have lost it: Transverse Myelitis Association Donate: https://www.networkforgood.org/donate/MakeDonation2.aspx?ORGID2=911780467&PcaItemId=135
Take care,

----- Original Message ----- From: Jim Lubin
  To: TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com
  Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 6:45 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] It's a great time to give!

  Hey everyone, my charity badge is currently #1 with only 7 donations!

Even if you can only donate $10 (the minimum amount) it will add up. If my charity badge receives the greatest number of donations from unique, individual donors, regardless of the amount, Yahoo will match the total amount donated! If you are able to give more remember the donation is tax-deductible.

To designate your donation for a specific fund or purpose, please enter a description of how you'd like your donation to be used in the provided box on the form.

  Thank you

  At 07:02 PM 12/8/2006, Jim Lubin wrote:

    Now is a great time to give to the Transverse Myelitis Association.

I became a ventilator dependent quadriplegic, paralyzed from the neck down, due to Transverse Myelitis, a rare neurological disorder that affects the central nervous system. I am trying to help raise funds for education and research.

To support your efforts even further, between now and December 31, 2006, Yahoo! will track how many unique, individual donors contribute to the charity featured in each charity badge. Yahoo! will give a matching gift of up to $50,000 to the charity promoted by the top-performing Charity Badge (that is, the badge that receives the greatest number of donations from unique, individual donors, regardless of the amount).

You must use this link to make your donation through this Charity Badge link:

Transverse Myelitis Association Donate: https://www.networkforgood.org/donate/MakeDonation2.aspx?ORGID2=911780467&PcaItemId=135

    I want to personally thank you in advance for your donation!
    Jim Lubin

    Jim Lubin
    disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.org

  Jim Lubin
  disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.org

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