The only way those two very divergent issues are connected is because our 
beloved Prezzdent,
in his podunk mentality, has decreed, to please them suthrn theosalopians, that 
stem cell research is evil, Satan originated and bad for our bowel movements.

That GW has no conscience by 'escalating' this oil driven war tells us heathens 
that the man
cares nothing about human health, vigor and the 'purßuit of 

Bobberino  in Elvisland, where more and more Meskins are moving in and 
'dilutin' da suthrn stock....... heh, heh, heh.....;>)
  Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 6:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] re: Stem Cells

  At 01:50 PM 1/12/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

           I am not sure why our President has a problem with this since he has 
no conscience with sending another 21,000 to potentially be slaughtered. 

  I don't see how the two issues are even remotely connected. But since you 
brought it up... I'm sure if the news reported on a daily bases how may 
Americans are killed each day in this country due to violent crimes we would be 
just as depress about being in the United States. 

  My brother, who is a 1LT in the USAR and a company commander, just had 
another solider re-enlist this past week. When he asked her why she wanted to 
re-enlist she said it was because she has not deployed anywhere yet and she 
wanted to deploy with this Company. This is a solider who is currently in grad 
school. I'm proud of my brother and glad there are other Americans willing to 
volunteer to serve in our military knowing they can be sent to potentially 
dangerous places. One of my brothers units is currently deployed in Iraq. Seven 
of the 15 soldiers volunteered to go on this deployment, this after just 
returning from a deployment in 2004. 

  American's just expect everything to happen overnight. The new Iraqi 
government has only existed less than 1 year! We were still in German and Japan 
for 10 YEARS after the end of WWII because the situation was still dangerous. 
Should we have just abandon those young governments? It takes time to build a 
military from scratch. 

  Jim Lubin               
  distAbility Resources:   

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